Affirmative Action: Who Does It Benefit
This is the third section within the Integration topic. This discussion will focus on affirmative action and whether or not the program is doing more harm than good within the Black Community.
The 3 Questions
1. Do you believe that Black people should receive special accommodations, ie. affirmative action, for things such as college admission and employment opportunities, why or why not?
2. Do you feel the “boot straps” narrative is fair or unfair, specifically when applied to Black people?
3. Who do you believe benefits the most from Affirmative Action and why?
Black people have been subjugated to the very worst that America has had to offer. Since the beginning of our arrival in the western world with European settlers, everything has been done to either completely impede the progress of Black people gaining the rights of a normal citizenship or purposefully undercut after any kind of legislation was rendered in favor of us gaining basic rights everyone was supposed to be given from inception. This continuous struggle of forcing America to recognize the humanity of Black people continues to this day. However, there have been some victories along the way to help even out the miscarriages of equality throughout the years as shown in programs designed to assist Black people into getting higher education or an opportunity at employment i.e., affirmative action. Yet, this program has come under fire by not only white Americans but even some Black ones who feel this type of assistance is an insult opposed to a hand up. And like before, has recently been challenged legislatively to again derail Black people in America from our steady march towards full citizenry. The opposition of even some Black people begs for the question to be asked on whether the installation of affirmative action helping in the destruction of the Black Community?
Please write in and response to our 3 poll questions or post some questions that you would like to see asked. These question and more were addressed on 4/18/2021..
1. Do you believe that Black people should receive special accommodations, ie. affirmative action, for things such as college admission and employment opportunities, why or why not? That and then some. The laws, systems, and government of this country have worked for 400+ years to hold blacks down and that work continues today. If affirmative action was removed I can assure you the numbers of blacks in positions of power, with college educations, and jobs will fall. There has been nothing that has occurred in my 47 years of life that makes me think this country is ready to accept that blacks are equal.
2. Do you feel the “boot straps” narrative is fair or unfair, specifically when applied to Black people? It is a ridiculous narrative. I pulled myself up by “my bootstraps”, everybody is not built to that, white or black. It is hard to make it alone, especially with the government and systemic racism with it’s foot constantly on our necks. While there are many poor whites the brunt of the wealth passed from generation to generation lies in the white community, land ownership is the same. I hear people talk about pulling themselves up from their bootstraps but then I also hear them say my dad gave me a small loan of $1M. Just because someone wins the lottery doesn’t mean everyone will.
3. Who do you believe benefits the most from Affirmative Action and why? It is mutually beneficial. Majority run businesses and schools are exposed to cultures they would not otherwise be and get to know them and reduce their fear of the unknown. Minorities win because they get opportunities systemic and individual racism might prevent them getting otherwise and we learn about other races and cultures and reduce our fear of the unknown.
1. Do you believe that Black people should receive special accommodations, ie. affirmative action, for things such as college admission and employment opportunities, why or why not?
I agree with Chris Rock’s interpretation of how to apply affirmative action which is that if there’s a tie [for a job, university, etc.] between a white person and a minority person then the edge should go to the minority (I’m paraphrasing)…
This can get tricky when it comes to things like housing, mortgages, and other types of loans where there’s not a strict limit to how many can be given out but rather depends on meeting minimum qualifications like credit scores. I think solutions like public banks to help people build credit in order to get approved for loans, with fair terms, seem like a good idea (kinda like what Andrew Yang is proposing for NYC). Also I wonder if there’s a way to place the burden on the lenders and/or landlords to prove that discrimination didn’t take place vs borrowers proving it did take place. This might keep pressure on lending establishments to be very careful when rejecting applications and setting terms.
2. Do you feel the “boot straps” narrative is fair or unfair, specifically when applied to Black people?
I think applying yourself and working your way out of poverty is of course something that is possible to accomplish in this country, however the idea that you’ll be fine if that’s all you do is a myth. There are a lot of people who believe that this country operates on a pure and infallible meritocracy, and that if you don’t get ahead it’s because you must be doing something wrong. This is naive and denies that discrimination in all areas of life is still a very real and pervasive problem in America, because of which highly qualified individuals working hard to achieve the American dream can still be arrested (or killed) for being in the ‘wrong neighborhood’ or shopping in the ‘wrong stores’ or trying to exercise or drive their new car or standing on the sidewalk.
3. Who do you believe benefits the most from Affirmative Action and why?
I agree that when applied consistently to combat discrimination, society benefits the most from increased diversity in neighborhoods and workplaces, and individuals being exposed to people and ideas from outside their social group identity.
1. Do you believe that Black people should receive special accommodations, ie. affirmative action, for things such as college admission and employment opportunities, why or why not?
Even though there are people that think this unfair, that belief is usually based on an assumption that the affirmative action recipient is not qualified for the opportunity. I disagree with that assumption and feel that some action needs to be taken in an effort to create a more level playing field for qualified applicants. After all, Blacks are not just excluded by people that are racists; they are also exlcuded by relationships and connections. Who would you rather hire….your good friend’s qualified son or an equally qualified Black person of which you have no ties? The only way to make sure all qualified candidates are considered is to put in processes to break up some of the nepotism and exclusionary factors like racism, prejudice, etc.
2. Do you feel the “boot straps” narrative is fair or unfair, specifically when applied to Black people?
In the case of Black people, there have been several literal instances of ratified legislation put in place to prevent the success and equality of the entire race of people residing in the United States. This factor alone makes the boot straps narrative unfair, in my opinion. To use an analogy, it is like competing in a marathon except you have to do it in potato sack race style. The chances of you even finishing are slim considering the amount of energy it would take to hop 26 miles, hold up the bag, and keep from falling. It’s not impossible, but certainly not probable. Figuratively speaking, let’s remove the bag and then we can talk about boot straps.
3. Who do you believe benefits the most from Affirmative Action and why?
Everything that I have read states that white women have gained the most benefits from affirmative action. There could be several reasons for this to be the case, and I would imagine that the reason varies per instance. However, most times I think that either that white woman was seen as the lesser of two evils or she benefited from a relationship or connection to someone in the decision chain.
1. Do you believe that Black people should receive special accommodations, ie. affirmative action, for things such as college admission and employment opportunities, why or why not?
I whole heartily agree. In the workforce, people tend to hire employees that look like them. Since the majority of the USA is white Anglo-Saxon, they tend to be the majority in the workforce. So, consequently, you have predominantly white people at these jobs that are looking to hire, and who will they hire if left unchecked? Other White people, sometimes without regard to qualifications or lack there of. So with that being said, AA has to be in play in order for “US” often times just as qualified if not even more so, to be able to get our foot in the door.
2. Do you feel the “boot straps” narrative is fair or unfair, specifically when applied to Black people?
If you look at the history of the United states, black people never had a bootstrap to begin with. Rather it was literally over night being “Free” (using that loosely) after generations of slavery; being denied our 40 acres and mule; to being denied proper higher education; to once getting an education; now getting denied jobs; to now we can get a job; but instead of hiring for the job you qualify for, we are going to hire you for the lowest position with the lowest pay grade possible; to housing discrimination; to discrimination on resumes base on the pronunciation of your name. Whew we been thru a lot. My resume is pretty solid, and white a “traditional Catholic name” I don’t want for phone calls for job prospectus. But, Oh BUT when i show up at the interview, you should see the reactions, as if a black man can’t possibly have these credentials. So yes, damn a bootstrap, we got it out the mud.
3. Who do you believe benefits the most from Affirmative Action and why
White Women, and people with disabilities.
That’s pretty obvious.
1. Yes. Unequivocally yes. I dont think you have to look far at the racial disparity in any workforce so much so companies are just NOW addressing it. Most people, black or white, just want to work, they want a chance. Give those who have been disproportionately disadvantaged a chance and see how they will embrace the opportunity to shine.
2. I agree with Michael here. I also believe the “boot strap” analogy/metaphor etc. applied to immigrants in the 1920’s. Just apples and oranges. If there is a real “boot strap” story now it makes the news. Many people in our generation benefitted from our parents planning to ensure we didnt have to do that. A vast majority of the middle class had a safety net. Even if you paid your way through school the fear of failure wasnt there because they knew they could move back in with mom and dad. I know more people my age who have gone that route than I care to admit. Funny thing? Not one is black.
3. If instituted properly we all do. Thats idealistic but I have to hold out hope that more people than not realize people just want a chance. An opportunity. Right now I don’t believe the black community benefits properly unless an over abundance of light and press coverage is shown upon a certain story. It shouldn’t be a feel good story that a black student was accepted to every college he applied to. It should be “brilliant student serves as an example to people all over the world”.
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