Interracial Marriage: A sign of Progress or Protest
This is the second section within the Integration topic. This discussion will focus on the beauty, trials, and social consequences of interracial marriages and how love can impact the future of the Black Community and truly conquer all.
The 3 Questions
1. Do you have a preference of what race you or your children would marry, and if so why?
2. Do interracial marriages increase or decrease stereotypes of other races?
3. Do interracial marriages destroy the traditional/historic idea of what it means to be a Black Community?
Most people would look at this topic and blatantly say…this is a racially charged topic. Why in 20 whatever would any organization that wishes to achieve the advancement of all people through focusing on the Black Community put forth a topic that would seemingly only be meant to divide people? It’s simple, this is, whether spoken or unspoken an issue within the Black Community. We have all heard the phrase, “if they can’t use your comb don’t bring them home” as a deterrent to dating outside of our race…but why would some Black parents say such a thing? This is the time and the place to discuss why love between Black people and anyone else, specifically white people, is indeed a topic not only worthy of addressing but necessary to understand and unpack the hesitation, the backlash, and sometimes annoyance, of some Blacks on this front. So with all of that said, let’s have a serious look at whether interracial marriage is helping to destroy the Black Community?
Please write in and response to our 3 poll questions or post some questions that you would like to see asked. These question and more were addressed on #/##/2021.
1. I have no preference at all. Love is love. Do not deny yourself or anyone else that love we all want and deserve, just because the other person is not of the same race as you.
2. For me, it does not increase or decrease stereotypes because I was raised not to buy in to stereotypes in general. If I were someone who believed in stereotypes, then it would increase the stereotype.
3. It does not have to destroy the historic idea of the black community, although some let it destroy THEIR idea of the black community. Let me try to explain. My wife is white, and she is extremely passionate about issues we face as black people. Sometimes more passionate then I am. When the BLM movement started, she immediately wanted to march and protest and I was like, I’m not going out there. Not because I did not agree, but it just isn’t my thing and I believe I can create more change by getting on my local school board or something of that nature. My wife is an ally any community should want on their side. She’s willing to have those tough conversations with anyone including her fellow whites who often don’t see the world through the lenses she sees the world through. Our son is mixed, but she fully understands that we are raising a black man; no ifs, ands, or buts about it!
1. Yes, I would prefer for my children to not marry a white person. However, if they did I would not treat that person any differently than if they were to choose a spouse of any other race.
2. I don’t think interracial marriage increases nor decreases any racial stereotypes.
3. I do not think that interracial marriage destroys what it means to be a black community, but it can change it.
1. Do you have a preference of what race you or your children would marry, and if so why?
Yes, I’d love to see my children marry a good person from any “minority” race but I would not be disappointed or upset if they married anyone white. As long as they are respected and loved I will support who they choose to live with. My only hesitation would be a belief that a white person could never understand their struggles of being black. However, I’m torn because I can’t assume they aren’t able to empathize but life experiences has shown different.
2. Do interracial marriages increase or decrease stereotypes of other races?
I don’t believe they impact stereotypes at all. People have their assumptions or positions and will make exceptions for those they are close to and know.
3. Do interracial marriages destroy the traditional/historic idea of what it means to be a Black Community?
No, similar to how marring doesn’t destroy the history and traditions of your family. Certain things will be carried forward and others not. You can love your community and be in love with someone outside of it. Love isn’t a measure of your feelings towards your community and history.
1. Do you have a preference of what race you or your children would marry, and if so why? None whatsoever. I am mixed race, all races have their good and bad so there is truly no difference more than skin deep.
2. Do interracial marriages increase or decrease stereotypes of other races? Intuitively, I think they decrease some stereotypes because they are able to be educated on the reality of the other race’s actual behavior in real time. Other stereotypes are loosely based on some support, even if misleading. Black people do like chicken, but so does everyone else.
3. Do interracial marriages destroy the traditional/historic idea of what it means to be a Black Community? It enforces it. The black community has been beaten down on every level and continues to this very day. We, by right, should have burnt this country to the ground a thousand times by now. We never have. We never have because we are the most cast aside, we know what it’s like and we know no one deserves it. We know all humans are one people, probably more than any race in history. So any marriage of any type that is filled with love is a marriage that enforces what it means to be a black community.
1. I do but I don’t. As I continue to master parenting, my goal is for the stereotypes instilled in me as youth to not be casted on my children. What I want is for my children to be as happy with someone as I am with their mother.
2. I don’t think stereotypes increase. I think there are more questions, more conversations, and maybe a bit more work. Both races in a relationship see other races in their own light and as a union, their feelings/opinions of other races need to mesh in order for the relationship to be fruitful.
3. Destroy is such a strong word. I think interracial marriage don’t 100% support what a black community is.
1. Do you have a preference of what race you or your children would marry, and if so why? I do not have any children but personally do not wish to marry outside of my race.
2. Do interracial marriages increase or decrease stereotypes of other races? I believe this could or could not be the case. I think that interracial marriages can be based on someone’s belief or interest in something that they think they know about the race in question.
3. Do interracial marriages destroy the traditional/historic idea of what it means to be a Black Community? I don’t believe that the tradition/historic idea, of the black community,
can be destroyed by interracial marriages. The black person, in the relationship is oftentimes not connected to the community.
1. Do you have a preference of what race you or your children would marry, and if so why?
No. I believe that you have to love who loves you. For my child, I can only hope that when the time is right, she has someone who will love her and accept her for who she is in her entirety. If that individual is from another race (non-black) and treats her incredibly well and is genuine, she will have my full support. Love is something that is very hard to find/experience. It is a matter of taste, although I never discriminated, I knew I would only marry/date black women. That was my personal preference for reasons we won’t get into (save that for Black Advancement Uncut at 2am jk)…..But in all sincerity, marry and date who makes you happy, but IF you should date/marry inter-racially, try to ensure that they are not discounting you and your experiences…..#LoveisLove
2. Do interracial marriages increase or decrease stereotypes of other races?
Depends on the person that you married. Stereotypes exist whether or not we want to acknowledge them, it is up to the individual to validate them or not. Also, I think it is a valid concern if you are in an interracial marriage and your partner is consistently stereotyping you. Sign or larger/deeper issues in my estimation
3. Do interracial marriages destroy the traditional/historic idea of what it means to be a Black Community?
Interracial marriages don’t but their portrayal on television/commercials/movies certainly attempt to do so. Another conversation for another time…..However, I think the Black Community does more to destroy the historic ideology of what it means to be a “Black Community” through a number of exclusionary practices, including but not limited to, colorism practices against Black Women, self stereotyping (esp as it pertains to elements of relationships ie. Black Men as fathers, parenting, whether thru marriage or co-parenting etc) . Our tradition should be so much stronger today….even futuristic but it’s not because we are always divided over something….
1. Do you have a preference of what race you or your children would marry, and if so why?
I don’t have a preference as long as their partner treats them right and has an understanding some difficulties they will face and how to counter those issues effectively.
2. Do interracial marriages increase or decrease stereotypes of other races?
I don’t think it does neither. Stereotypes are in every race and every race has a segment of people pushes those narratives. As a whole I would say that 10% of people are being address for the 90% rather good or bad.
3. Do interracial marriages destroy the traditional/historic idea of what it means to be a Black Community?
No. We are not myopic people. We all come from very diverse backgrounds which makes us unique. I rather look from the point of view of understanding the truth of how we got here, what’s happening currently and then how to we proceed
1. Do you have a preference of what race you or your children would marry, and if so why?
No, marry who treats you right and loves you.
2. Do interracial marriages increase or decrease stereotypes of other races?
Not too sure.
3. Do interracial marriages destroy the traditional/historic idea of what it means to be a Black Community?
I wouldn’t say destroy but it definitely alters it.