Self Hatred: Stereotypes – Rising Down
The second installment of the Self Hatred topic focuses on stereotypes of Black people and how it effects the Black Community.
The 3 Questions
1. Are Black people accurately stereotyped?
2. Which stereotype about Black people is least accurate to you and why?
3. Which stereotype is the most offensive towards Black people to you and why?
Every race suffers their own version of negative stereotypes, but none are quite as negative as those aimed towards Black people. If you were to stop for a second and try to think of all the negative stereotypes attached to Black people, you would be surprised at how many you could come up with. The issue becomes even more depressing when you are forced to look in the mirror to determine if you are complicit in perpetuating the negative stereotypes through your actions. Are We just as guilty as the people who created the stereotypes or is it all in Our heads and the heads of others? Do stereotypes contribute to the destruction of the Black Community?
Please write in and respond to our 3 poll questions or post some questions that you would like to see asked. These questions and more will be addressed during the discussion found on YouTube beginning on 09/13/2013.
1. Are Black people accurately stereotyped? Yes.
2. Which stereotype about Black people is least accurate to you and why? That blacks are lazy. I find this to be the least accurate because a few less than desirables get all the press, meanwhile hardworking brothers and sisters get lumped in with the rest because the part that is dragging the black race down is the most visible because it is idolized by others. Surely it is no coincidence that the part that is negative for blacks is idolized by non-blacks. Could it be they desire our demise?
3. Which stereotype is the most offensive towards Black people to you and why? That black people are lazy. I work my ass off, way more than almost anyone at my company. To see blacks perceived as lazy grinds my gears because of how I work and how almost all of my black friends do exactly the same. Again, it is the perception generated by the few.
1. Are Black people accurately stereotyped?
Unfortunately, there is truth said in jest. I believe that some stereotypes do fit into Black culture in general; however the emphasis that is placed on our stereotypes and the wide acceptance of them by both us and other races is extremely frustrating and disappointing.
2. Which stereotype about Black people is least accurate to you and why?
That all Black people are dangerous and come from messed up neighborhoods and families. The problems that extend from this assumption have led to more false arrest and messed up more futures than anything else I can think of out of our control. This particular stereotype leads to racial profiling and can impact every aspect of life from getting a job to buying a shirt without the suspicion of being “up to something.”
3. Which stereotype is the most offensive towards Black people to you and why?
The stereotype that most offends me is the idea that we are not smart. This is the most offensive to me because of its bigger than just pointing to one of us nature. It is ingrained into our schools and our society to the point that we have embraced it, like we have so many other negative stereotypes. This has led us to celebrating minor accomplishments and lowering our standards of excellence.
1. Are Black people accurately stereotyped?
• Dark skin, woolly head, white teeth
• ignorant, lazy, buffoonish, superstitious, joyous, and musical, magical
• very happy, usually laughing, lazy, irresponsible, or carefree.
• perpetrators in drug and violent crime
• drug lords, crack victims, the underclass, the homeless, pimps
• uncontrolled sexuality
• angry black man – kill whitey
• dependent black man: underachievers, poor students, bad credit
• will not take care of their families
• “Mammy” dark skin, a heavyset frame and large bust, and overall matronly
• genial, churchgoing, and spiritual.
• compliant in the face of white authority
• uncontrolled sexuality, welfare queen
• angry black woman
• independent black woman: overachieving, financially successful, emasculates black males
Aside from the physical attributes yes. We come in all colors not just dark.
2. Which stereotype about Black people is least accurate to you and why?
• Criminals and drug pushers. Not all black men are criminals or drug pushers.
3. Which stereotype is the most offensive towards Black people to you and why?
• Uncontrolled sexuality is the most offensive to me.
•. Dependent on the government 150 years after slavery. We replaced one master with another.