Black Leaders

Black Politics: Black Leaders – Are They Necessary 

The fourth and final installment of the Black Politics topic focuses on the Black leadership and its impact on the Black Community.

The 3 Questions

1. Do Black people need a leader?

2. What should the Black leadership and Black Community focus on?

3. Do you consider the current Black leadership effective, why or why not?


We have arguably had some of the greatest leaders in the 20th century and benefited immensely from their leadership and sacrifice.  However, times have changed and the issues the Black Community faces are not as obvious and transparent.  Our biggest enemy is also our biggest ally…Us. Battles over macro issues tied to legalese like voting rights and housing discrimination are still being waged by groups like the NAACP,  however,  it seems that there are precious few Black leaders that focus on internal issues within Our community that are not tied to policies. An example of this is the notion that darker skin is considered a negative even within the Black Community. Is it possible that Our leaders are contributing to the destruction of the Black Community?

Please write in and respond to our 3 poll questions or post some questions that you would like to see asked.  These question and more will be addressed during the discussion airing on YouTube at  3/03/ 2014.  This video was filmed December 15, 2012.

Black Leaders Part 1

Black Leaders Part 2

Black Leaders Part 3

1st Black President

Black Politics: 1st Black President – Obama Nation or an Abomination

The second installment of the Black Politics topic focuses on the first Black President and the effect his presences and policies have had on the Black Community.

The 3 Questions

1. What grade would you give Obama and Why?

2. Do you feel that he has been treated as fair as any other President?

3. Do you feel that President Obama is obligated to do more for Black People?


At approximately 11 PM EST on November 4, 2008, Barack Obama was pronounced President of the United States of America.  It was a moment unlike any other in the nation’s history.  A Black man not only became the President, but he did it with a message of hope and change rather than reparations and justice.  Obama was not involved in the Civil Rights Movement and was even questioned about his “Blackness” in the beginning of his campaign.  Still he emerged as leader of the free world and was instantly catapulted into trivia and Black History Month stardom forever.  However, the past four years he has been criticized, disrespected, undermined, and has lost the undying support of some Blacks due to the economic recession.  At this point, he would be hard pressed to get young Black people to vote for him let alone go door to door to get others to vote for him.  Is President Obama contributing to the destruction of the Black Community?

Please write in and respond to our 3 poll questions or post some questions that you would like to see discussed.  These questions and more will be addressed during the discussion found on YouTube beginning on  7/22/2012.  This video was filmed June 16, 2012.

1st Black President Part 1

1st Black President Part 2

1st Black President Part 3

Black Republicans

Black Politics: Black Republicans – Misunderstood or Sellouts to the Cause

The third installment of the Black Politics topic focuses on our attitude towards Black Republicans and the Republican Party and how it effects the Black Community.

The 3 Questions

1. Do you feel that Blacks are brainwashed into voting Democrat?

2. Are Black people too dependent on the government and the services they provide?

3. How do you feel about the TEA Party Republicans and why?


Herman Cain was amongst the leading candidates for the Republican Party nomination for President early on in the GOP race.  This wouldn’t seem so odd, considering that we now have a Black President, except for the fact that most people who are Republicans and Republican affiliated are “elderly White men.”  The principles of the party seem to unabashedly go against the wants and, in some cases, needs of the Black Community. Yet, a Black man was leading in the polls.  When asked about the Black vote, Cain replied that Black people were brainwashed into voting Democrat.  This, of course, ruffled some feathers in the Black Community but also sparked serious discussion concerning why Blacks really have ceased  to vote Republican anymore.  Is it possible that Black people actually think that the Republican Party contributes to the destruction of the Black Community?

Please write in and respond to our 3 poll questions or post some questions that you would like to see asked.  These question and more will be addressed during the discussion airing on YouTube at  Black Republicans. 

Why Should I Vote

Black Politics: Why Should I Vote – Blacks Disenfranchisement with the Political System 

The first installment of the Black Politics section focuses on our attitude towards the political system and how it effects the Black Community.

The 3 Questions

1. Should Black people feel obligated to vote?

2. Do you believe your vote really counts?

3. Do you feel that Blacks are less patriotic and if so why?


We’ve all heard the saying “your vote counts” but how many of us believe that?  Although We came out in record numbers for the last Presidential election, Our enthusiasm has been noticeably absent in the years since that November day in 2008.  Not only has participation lessened, but the feeling that the system currently in place can actually create change for Us has also diminished.  How many Black people have become so disenfranchised with the political system that they say to hell with it and refuse to participate? Right or wrong does this attitude contribute to the destruction of the Black Community?

Please write in and respond to our 3 poll questions or post some questions that you would like to see discussed.  These questions and more will be addressed during the discussion found on YouTube beginning on  4/15/2012.  This video was filmed March 10, 2012.

Why Should I Vote Part 1

Why Should I Vote Part 2 

Why Should I Vote Part 3

Why Should I Vote Part 4