Health Don’t Care

Life Support

Black Health:The Countless Epidemics that Plague the Black Community:  

The final installment of the Black Health topic focuses on the countless epidemics and how it effects the Black Community.

The 3 Questions

1. Why are Black people statistically at the bottom of so many health issues such as heart disease and prostate cancer?

2. Is our attitude towards our health generally positive or negative and why or why not?

3. What do you feel is the biggest health issue within the Black Community?


PSA to all Black folks….We are dying.  Black peoples life expectancy is nearly 3 years less than Whites.  But why is that?  Why are we more likely to get cancer or heart disease or diabetes?  I honestly do not understand some of these statistics.  When I go to the gym, I see just as many of Us there as I see of any other race.  Everyone eats the same things all in all (fast food, soda, snacks etc).  So where does the separation come in?  The honest answer may be right in front of Us and as simple as this statement…maybe We can’t do the same things as others do.  May be We have to do more to ensure We don’t become another negative health number.  May be Our lack of knowledge on health contributes to the destruction of the Black Community?

Please write in and response to our 3 poll questions or post some questions that you would like to see asked.  These question and more will be addressed during the discussion found on YouTube beginning on  x/xx/20xx.



SexBlack Health: Sexploitation –  The Impact of Sex on the Black Community

The third installment of the Black Health topic focuses on sex and how it effects the Black Community.

The 3 Questions

1. Why do you believe Black people have the highest rates in many of the negative categories pertaining to sexual activities?

2. Do you feel that Black culture has become overly sexualized, why or why not?

3. Is sex destroying the Black Community?


Blacks have the highest rates of HIV and are among the leaders both in abortion rate and unintended pregnancies.  Black people are the highest demographic to be unfaithful. Setting aside the old saying of “There are lies, there are damn lies, and there are statistics,” these are all damning and embarrassing  numbers when it comes to the sexual behavior of Black people. Sex has grown to become one of the biggest factors of health in the Black Community in the past 30 years.  It can have an effect on everything from your education to your life expectancy.  Sex is complicated even for God, where in one way it is seen as a sin and another way as a blessing. I believe this very same conflict of sex exist in the Black Community and has placed Us in a predicament.  Is sex contributing to the destruction of the Black Community?

Please write in and respond to our 3 poll questions or post some questions that you would like to see asked.  These questions and more will be addressed during the discussion found on YouTube beginning on  x/xx/20xx.

Slave Food

Soul FoodBlack Health: Slave Food – Soul Food or Leftovers 

The second installment of the Black Health topic focuses on the concept of soul food and how it effects the Black Community.

The 3 Questions

1. Is there something wrong with “Our” eating habits?

2. How much do you believe diet is responsible for Blacks over all health issues?

3. Why do we feel so connected and attached to our traditional foods i.e. soul food?


One of my favorite shows, the Boondocks, had an episode in which they made fun of a recently relatively successful Black movie entitled “Soul Food.”  They playfully pointed out how the family got together every Sunday to cook and eat “soul food” and showed the dangerous consequences when they emphasized the death of the grandmother from complications of diabetes.  The ultimate irony was exhibited when they accurately depicted the family mourning her death by eating the same thing that gave her diabetes in the first place.  All jokes aside, Our traditional foods were derived from leftovers the slave owners and their families did not eat.  In essence we  made lemonade out of lemons.  Our will to survive gave Us what we now consider our stable foods such as chitlins, collard greens, and fried chicken.  Recently, rich and famous Blacks have began to become vegans and have abandon our traditional foods in the name of better health and longer lives.  Does soul food contribute to the destruction of the Black Community?

Please write in and respond to our 3 poll questions or post some questions that you would like to see asked.  These questions and more will be addressed during the discussion found on YouTube beginning on  12/8/2024.

Black Ph(F)at

Big or BeauitifulBlack Health: Black Ph(F)at – Big or Beautiful 

The first installment of the Black Health topic focuses on the idea of Black beauty and how it effects the Black Community.

The 3 Questions

1. Is Our perspective of beauty unhealthy?

2. Is Our perspective of beauty tainted by the media, i.e. movies, magazines?

3. Does Our version of beauty play into the stereotype of Black people being hyper-sexual?


Most Black men have no problems with a woman with curves and bumps and Black women have even fewer complaints with their figure.  Our version of what is sexually stimulating in general has differed from the euro-centric version of beauty and are rarely seen on the magazines in our supermarkets.  However, much like the euro-centric version of beauty, Our shapes can be viewed as harmful to both the body and the mind of Our people.  Are We putting too much into this idea or is Our version of beauty helping to contribute to the destruction of the Black Community?

Please write in and response to our 3 poll questions or post some questions that you would like to see asked.  These question and more will be addressed during the discussion found on YouTube beginning on  2/17/2024.

Black Phat