Black Middle Class: The Hidden Struggle of the Cosby’s
The second portion of The Black Community topics focuses on the issues facing the more fortunate members of the Black Community and how they can be both positively and negatively interpreted.
The 3 Questions:
1. Is this discussion out dated?
2. Do Black people stereotype themselves?
3. Is there any validity to the middle class Blacks having it harder than lower class Blacks?
Although conventional wisdom would lead Americans to believe the richer the better, this isn’t necessarily true in the Black Community. Believe it or not, there is a divide drawn along monetary lines. It is often times the catalyst to the misused insult “sellout.” Blacks in the middle class, however, float between two worlds: the misconceptions of whites in their schools and neighborhoods and the misconception from Blacks that are not in their schools and neighborhoods. This places the Black middle class in the limbo of trying to prove themselves on two different fronts that collide to create no win situations. Damned if you underachieve because you represent your race, and damned if you succeed because you have seemingly abandoned your race. Does the existence of the Black middle class somehow help to destroy the Black community?
Please write in and respond to our 3 poll questions or post some questions that you would like to see discussed. These questions and more will be addressed during the discussion found on YouTube beginning on 1/28/2014. This video was filmed July 7, 2012.